While intelligence communities try to decipher the exact location of the target that Al-Qaida will use to test Barack Hussein Obama, it will do them no good. The real target to test Obama is Obama himself. The reaction of Obama is not important, because no matter what he does Al-Qaida will win the hearts and minds of the Islamic world.
Regardless of what Obama calls himself today, which is a Christian, Osama bin Laden and 99% of the Muslim world call him a Muslim. It is in this the true goal of Al-Qaida will be found. If Obama does nothing, bin Laden wins and Obama looses. Obama's position as a leader in the global war on terrorism will be a laughing stock, and his chances for reelection are zero, in fact his chances of keeping a democratic congress in the second half of his term will be slightly better than a snowball on the sunny side of planet Mercury. The real goal of bin Laden is to goad him into an attack, any type of attack. Once Obama commits to confronting bin Laden, the leader of Al-Qaida will have the propaganda opportunity of a life time.
This brings me to the reason I used Obama’s full name, Barack Hussein Obama and why bin Laden has been dreaming of this day. Call Obama what you will, but to the Islamic world, his name is a Muslim name. Call his father an atheist who was Muslim in name only, or his adoptive father a nominal Muslim who like his Scotch, and you will get the same response, they are still Muslims and so is their children.
Any act of perceived aggression by Obama will be met with one word from bin Laden, a word that will galvanize the Muslim world. That word is “ridda”, and bin Laden will convincingly make the case that America is run by an “irtidad,” a man guilty apostasy from Islam. It was one thing to have Bush as an enemy, many moderates in the Islamic world could have said that Bush was not representative of the American ideals, and as a Christian from birth, many could believe that. After all he had no knowledge of the Quran or the teaching of Muhammad, and thus never under any expectations by Muslims. Obama on the otherhand will not be allowed that luxury, for them his actions will not be perceived as misguided, but as treasonous to the “ummah” or Muslim community as a whole.
Obama has only one way to win, and what is needed to win is something Obama is not prepared to do. Only by making the Ummah responsible for bin Laden and other Islamic terrorist, can the world ever hope to be free of their terror, and the only way to make the Ummah feel the need to control their fellow Muslims is to make Mecca a nuclear target. If the Ummah believes that any Islamic terrorist attacks the US or a member of NATO or ANZUS than Mecca will be obliterated totally, then and only then will they take responsibility for these men and deal with the problem themselves. Unfortunately Bush lacked this type of fiber and so does Obama. Short of such a definitive action. it does not matter what Obama does when bin Laden attacks, the only person to come out stronger is bin Laden.
I know many Obama supporters will reject what I am saying, but I would call their attention to the following article.
Egyptian Christian, not a Christian.
Julio Severo's death and urgent help needed
3 years ago
You'll like this cartoon and links too:
Who Says Obama Was a Muslim? Why, Himself of Course!
If Obama is/was Muslim by Muslim's standards, does that make the USA a "house of war" ( Dar al Harb)--land that Islam got a foothold in and thus must fight to keep?
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