The rain has started just as in the days of Noah.

It is with mixed feelings I write this post. Yes, my feelings are mixed. The world is ending and no one is noticing, they are too engrossed in their sins, or too worried about what to wear for the rapture that will never come.

Many things were shown to me, at first I doubted myself, but soon the weight of the truth crushed any hopes I might be wrong.

Do we obey God? No, very few do, He asked for so vey little and one was to keep the Sabbath. Not Saturday but the Sabbath He created, is 7 days after the New Moon is sighted. But no, we follow a pagan calendar which is never aligned with His. He asked us to observe a few solemn days like Passover, but we invent our own in Easter. Do we obey the simple 10 commandments He gave us? No, not one of us do. We worship false gods such as money, wealth and power, never once uttering His holy name. We give what ever blessing we do receive to ourselves, our own ingenuity, our hard work, but never to Him. We lie, thinking we don't want to hurt someone, but we rip out their heart and we destroy our own soul. We murder in so many ways, we take the food from the hungry, saying they should work, we drive others to suicide by our callousness. We steal, we lie, we are unfaithful. Have we honored our parents, who raised us? No, each one of us has disregarded at least one,  some of us many. No one can stand justified before His great and terrible judgement. Will we even try to make fools out of ourselves and try to justify our actions?

Ireland has just approved the murder of innocent children, and we want to war with others for the price of oil. That life that will be snuffed out is known to Him, after all He is the Creator of everything. We sacrifice this innocent to Moolah saying it is not murder, but a choice. We can't murder what is not alive, but we must qualify what we mean by alive. Out side the womb? Even today there are those who say a 3 year old can be killed because it cannot reason, soon they will up the age to 5. Yet even if we say, never will I murder, do we not allow it to go on with the words, well it i their choice? Have we not yet to understand man's first question to the Father was arrogantly and in anger, "I am I my brother's keeper?" Are you at least the "keeper" or watchman for those who cannot defend themselves?   

Children go missing, falling victim to sex traffickers, and worse people who take pleasure in killing them, many eat them for the chemical high they get, but the high is only in their mind, Stranger still is we idolize many of these people.

We say we are Christian, but we accept a Babylonian god in the true Son's place. We fear 666 but every Sunday do we not run to worship him, thinking it is the Son of the only God that ever was and will ever be? Tammuz, brought into the early Church, morphed into the god of the sun. Do we listen to the Son's words of life to us, or do we preach the words of a man who never once spoke in the name of the Father, simply because the man's words are easier and give many license to sin against the Father? Often we have all heard, the Son's words are to difficult to accept, yet we are deaf to his promise that his yoke is not burdensome at all. His death 2,000 years ago, perfected the law and gave us hope.

We diligently search for the little horn, but are blind to the history of the church and refuse to even contemplate it was Emperor Constantine. The proof is undeniable, he was the son of a king, a little horn, he killed or uprooted three other kings in his rise to power. No one even knows what the tetrarchy is and who were the 10 horns or kings.   

We say it is too hard to be good in an evil world, but the Father told us how we could change ourselves over night. He said, stop doing evil in His sight, wash ourselves, make ourselves clean. Defend the widow, care for the orphan and seek justice for the oppressed.

Some say, the Father is an evil God, who will punish us forever because we are not perfect. Did he really say this or is it the translation we depend on. Is the forever one version says, a long time with the original says. We will throw away eternity with Him and the Son simply because we were too lazy to find the truth of the words and left it to the translators?

Your soul? Are you content to put your soul in the hands of others, answering "I only done what I was told by the priest, pastor or rabbi. Handing off your responsibility to another while you drink, party, fornicate as your sons and daughters marry?

Yes, the rain I seen today has convinced my soul our time is up and there is no hope left. We may just die in the next few years, as the kings of the world and the evil is ripped out of it. So you see why I am so said, but I also said I had mixed feelings. Very soon all know with out a shadow of a doubt that the Father and the Son are more real then the earth thy walk on. Take these few days you have left before the door is forever closed and repent, try to do good not only with actions, but with your heart and seek desperately the love of the Son who died for you and lives with the Father, He and He alone is the only one to intervene with the Father for you. But don't say you love Him if you do not keep his commandments, your words are cheap, it is the actions that spring from your heart tell the truth.

As you put your children to bed, ask yourselves was the fun you had in your life worth never seeing them again because you are no more. Burnt up in the lake of fire. Relax, the Father is just, and true, you will not be punished forever, you will be punished, you will weep, you will gnash your teeth, but in the end you will simply cease to exist, as if you never lived at all. But remember that is your choice, it always has been your choice.

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