Palestinians claim they have the legitimate claim. But they cannot prove it. It is no where in their Koran. The name Jerusalem is nowhere to be found. Do they claim Jerusalem as the farthest mosque that is written in the Koran? If this is so, then all other mosques they built further than Jerusalem are not recognized by their own Koran. Do they claim the right to Jerusalem by conquest? They have been conquered and can claim nothing.
Christians neither can claim Jerusalem using scriptural resources.
There are three holy books attributed the religions that came from Abraham, but only one has a legitimate claim to Jerusalem from their scripture.
Only the Jews have claim to Jerusalem and scripture specifically says that Arabs have no right to this city. When challenged by Geshem the Arab, the prophet Nehemiah wrote in the last verse of Chapter 2,
So I answered them, and said to them, "The God of heaven Himself will prosper us; therefore we His servants will arise and build, but you have no heritage or right or memorial in Jerusalem."
Julio Severo's death and urgent help needed
3 years ago
1 comment:
Indeed, Jerusalem should belong solely to the Jewish people.
The Old Testament mentions Jerusalem by name 657 times, and about ZERO times by name in the Quran.
The site of the Second Temple of the Jews is the first most holy site to Jews. Yet they still allow the Muslims to have their ‘third most holy site’ sit on top of the ruins of the Wailing Wall!
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