To today’s religious-political leaders like Rick Warren, Brian McLaren and Tony Campolo you have betrayed your Master and have allowed ravenous wolves into the flock you were to protect.
You are allowing Muslims into your flock to preach their falsehoods in the name of tolerance, but I want to know is the same courtesy being given to other preachers.
The silence from you speaks more than the lies you could utter, for the answer is no. Those that do preach the Good News are decapitated, their sons and daughters raped before their eyes, their churches burned and the flock scattered. So much for tolerance.
You force your congregations to worship at strange altars by observing the Muslim period of Ramadan. This is the time when it is said an angel gave the quran to that used flying carpet salesman in a cave. But you were given the “word” from none other and no less than the son of the living God of Israel Himself.
Why are you ashamed of such an honor? Is it that you are ashamed or do you now believe like the Muslims that God has no son.
A lie can not stand on its own, it needs part Truth, to give credit to the part that is fiction. The quaran has such in it, which is causing many to falter.
Believe in Allah and say not "Trinity." Cease! It is better for you! Allah is only One God. Far is it removed from his transcendent majesty that he should have a son. (Quran, Sura 4:171)
I do not believe in a Trinity, for my Master told me not to worship him, but to worship He who sent him. My eyes were opened to see the truth, that who we call God is viewed as a duality, not a Trinity. Everything in nature is a duality, and when we view God from inside of nature we see God as a duality. We have seen the power of God change landscapes in an instant, and seen the spirit that followed provide comfort to those who sought comfort.Yet, outside of the physical universe God is one, God is whole, there is nothing but God in this realm that is beyond the imaginations of the most imaginable people we know.
I do not deify the son because he did not want me to worship him, he wanted me to worship the Father and to follow him. His life is not a fable that no mortal can live, he was human and as a human, his life can be emulated and followed. If he was God or a god then what did he accomplish?No man or woman can live our lives as God, perish that thought. We can however live our lives as the man who was the son of God did, this is difficult but not impossible. God who is perfect, did not come to earth as a man, live a perfect life and then tell us to follow him. He sent His son, who was human so we could follow his son back to Him.
While billions fill their churches on the Sun’s day to worship him in verbal flattery, a handful seek to imitate his life for we as humans have a saying imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. This is why follow the son, I do not deify him.
Yet, Islam is so wrong in what they say next they cannot see the evil in their eyes. The evil I speak of is the most gravest of all sins, they limit God. God cannot have a son? Who are they to say what God can or can not do.
Even the family of nations that the son came from, those who call themselves Jews have never, ever said God cannot have a son. In fact, they take great pride in the fact that God had called David his son. The know what is written in the Gospels is true, “For with God nothing shall be impossible.” If one honestly looks at the dispute between Jews and Christians they will find that it all started with another wishy-washy preacher who wanted to accommodate others by altering the truth, that person I speak of is Paul of Tarsus. He is the one who said, don’t worry about what Jesus said, just worship him and you will be saved. Today people think that all they need to do is say I am a believer and they are saved, with no consideration to doing what Yeshua said to do.
Yes, his name is Yeshua in Aramaic or Yahshua in Hebrew. He shares his name with another in scripture, Joshua, son of Nun. Yahshua is a combination of two words, Yah and shua which means “God saves.”
God’s name is not Allah, it is YHUH or YHVH, not YHWH or Jehovah. The Hebrew letters that make up His name are Yod, He, Vau, and He. There is no W in Hebrew, although eastern European Jews do pronounce Vau as a “w,” while other Jews pronounce it as a “v.” The letter Vau is also used a vowel, and as a vowel it takes on a oo or u sound. Where there is no vowel, often the aleph is used, the aleph has an “a” sound. So the more correct pronunciation of the name of God is Yah-oo-ah, not Yahweh or Yahveh.
Allah is the name of one of the gods and goddess worshiped by pagan Arabs. Allah is also a part of the name o Mohammad’s father, Abdullah, which means the servant or slave of Allah. In Paul like fashion I can see Mohammad spinning this to his advantage. It is pretty obvious that Allah is just a name Mohammad used to promote his religion same as Paul coined the term Christian in Antioch.
We as followers of the son of God have the good fortune to have a warning of one who walked, talked, prayed, ate, slept, and laughed with the son. He was also present at the side of Miriam when Yeshua gave up his spirit. I think a warning from him should be seriously considered. The warning he gave is a three-part test, and failure in anyone of them fails all. What is this warning, who did he say Yeshua is?
1. Yeshua is the son of God.
2. Yeshua is the Messiah.
3. Yeshua came in the flesh.
Islam is being promoted by the left for a reason. Islam has two features that the left loves, the first is that a person’s relationship with God (Allah) is a communal relationship, and that the obligation to the poor is also communal responsibility. Do you get that, the left loves Islam because it promotes the group. This is totally at odds with the Judeo-Christian belief that our relationship with God is a personal relationship and that our obligation to the poor is a personal responsibility. In the scripture that both Jews and Christians share, we are held personally responsible for not only our actions, but our inactions. The God who Yeshua called Father is not going to listen to the defense, “I can’t be held responsible, because I paid my taxes and if government failed a few people, well I did what I was supposed to do.” It hates Judaism and Christianity because these two faiths promote personal responsibility over the group. In fact both the Prophets and Yeshua condemned the actions of the group for not following the Law of God and providing the most basic of needs to the poor, such as Justice. Religious leaders were condemned by both the Prophets and Yeshua for failing to see that justice was done to widows and orphans.
In these, the darkest of days is the time we must strengthen our fellowship not weaken it by bringing in polluting influences from other religions. Do not allow your sanctuaries to become altars for strange gods.
Yes, we are all created in the image of God, but for God to be true, only one message can be true. You will be asked to choose a messenger of God, so ask yourself one simple question. Who believed more in the message that God sent us, the one gathered an army and who forced the message on others with a sword or the one who walked alone carrying the instrument of his death and gave his life so the message would be fulfilled?
Julio Severo's death and urgent help needed
3 years ago
--I do not deify the son because he did not want me to worship him, he wanted me to worship the Father and to follow him.--
But the New Testament clearly records many examples of His acceptance of worship.
On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. - Matthew 2:11
Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.” - Matthew 14:33
Suddenly Jesus met them. “Greetings,” he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him. - Matthew 28:9
When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. - Matthew 28:17
Then they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy. - Luke 24:52
Then the man said, “Lord, I believe,” and he worshiped him - John 9:38
Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!” – John 20:28
In each case, He did not rebuke them. Whereas ordinary angels always tell witnesses to cease worshiping them, for they are not God.
I believe this states that the sword was raised by the Christians during the crusades, wikipedia says: The Crusades were a series of religious expeditionary wars blessed by Pope Urban II and the Catholic Church, with the stated goal of restoring Christian access to the holy places in and near Jerusalem. Jerusalem was and is a sacred city and symbol of all three major Abrahamic faiths (Judaism, Christianity and Islam).[1] The background to the Crusades was set when the Seljuk Turks decisively defeated the Byzantine army in 1071 and cut off Christian access to Jerusalem. The Byzantine emperor, Alexis I, feared that all Asia Minor would be overrun. He called on western Christian leaders and the papacy to come to the aid of Constantinople by undertaking a pilgrimage or a crusade that would free Jerusalem from Muslim rule.[2] Another cause was the destruction of many Christian sacred sites and the persecution of Christians under the Fatimid caliph Al-Hakim.
Jesus is the Father and the son. He is the first and the last. The root and offspring of David. He came in this Fathers name. He came to glorify it. It is above all other names and the only name under heaven by which men are saved. Jesus is God. Hear O Israel, the Lord our God the Lord is one. He only has one name and it's the same name as his son. Zechariah (chap 14 I believe) talks about God stepping foot on the Mount of Olives...well God is invisible, but his visible form where human eyes can see this happen is JESUS. (Jesus comes back the same way he went up.) May our God and savior Jesus bless you and reveal Himself and His arm to you.
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