Obama’s first trip to Jerusalem is being called Operation
“Unbreakable Alliance,” but in Hebrew it is called "Brit Amim," which literally means, "a
covenant with the nations." The Hebrew word amim or עמים is the plural of am or עם which means a nation or people.
Obama is heading to Jerusalem to make a Covent with the many as in Daniel 9:27.
While Daniel uses the word rab or רב,
rab which is many, it is used as the collective person or multitude, so rab and
amim are identical in meaning.
Obama’s trip will take place between March 20th
and March 22nd. March 21st is a special day for both Jews
and Christians, it is the 10th day of the month of Nissin. This is the
day the lamb is chosen for Passover and it is also the day Christ entered
Jerusalem on a ass. Is not the mascot of Obama’s democratic party an Ass?
There is much talk about an unscheduled trip by Obama to the
Temple Mount, where even Hamas said it would be “a diplomatic catastrophe.” The
official word from both the Israeli government and Palestinian Authority is “no
such trip is in the works.” Clearly a visit to such a location would be
provocative in the least and keeping it a secret would be paramount to the
operational security of Obama’s visit.
Can it get any stranger? The date March 22nd 2013
fits perfectly into Jesus’ warning about the abomination Daniel warned about in
Matthew 24, when he told the people to “Pray that your flight will not take
place in winter or on the Sabbath.” March 22nd is one day after
winter and this particular March 22nd is one day before the Sabbath.
If this was not enough to open eyes, then let’s look at the
seven year tribulation. In the book of Revelation this period is broken into
two 1260 days. If March 22nd is the mid point then we only need to
look back 1260 days and we come to October 9th 2009. On this date
Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. 1260 days later we find ourselves
September 2/3 of 2016 the start of the Feast of Trumpets. Which is also known as the feast day in which
no many knows the day or hour since it starts at the sighting of the new moon.
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