The Enemies of the US openly supporting Barack Obama

Why are the enemies of the United States trying to give as much support for Barack Hussein Obama as they can?

The only possible answers are that they are appealing to their countrymen living in the United States to support him and that they are trying to sway public opinion that Obama is the only one who can bring change. What is interesting to see the union of Communists, Socialists and Muslims concentrating their efforts to elect Barack Hussein Obama, while his own Democratic party is fractured.

Here is a list of nations whose leaders have given their support to an Obama presidency.When viewed in their entirety it is easy to the true scope of the efforts those hostile to our country are willing to take to elect the Kenyan Kandidate


Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told the Spanish El Pais newspaper that the real circles of power in America would not allow Senator Barack Obama to enter the White House, adding that he would have no problems if the junior senator from Illinois were to be elected.

The head of the Iranian Menashe Amir, the Iranian-born head of Radio Israel’s Persian language service. Amir states, Obama is a Muslem and if Obama wins the White House, Islam will conquer the heart of the American nation. This is about as official endorsement as one could get for Obama unless Ahmadinejad himself was to make a financial contribution to "the friends of Senator Barrak Obama." This story appears on all places MSNBC but is a reprint from WOAI TV from San Antonio.


No longer able to hold back its support for Barack Obama the official government controlled syrian newpaper Al-Thawra has declared that Obama and Biden will set the America straight on the true cause of terrorism.


No friend to peace in the word Hamas has made a determined effort to insure that Muslim Americans that they, the Hamas leadership are supporting Barak Obama. Hamas like many Islamic interests are trying to shore up Muslim support for Barack Obama in the November Elections.


Never one to let a controversy go by without expressing his opinion Lybian dictator for life Muammar Gaddifi could not stay away from supporting Obama.


Obama is recieving direct support in his campaign with Cuban Communist sympathizers. If the "One" will not ask the question, then we must ask why was a Communist Cuban flag along with a portrait of Che Guevera found adorning Obama's Texas campaign office. When you look at the video you will see that the Obama organizer does not even want to talk about it, but American who cherish their freedoms do.


No friend to the USA, Hugo Chavez may be more directly involved in the upcoming election that just giving support. The United States government is investigating ties with his governments ownership of a company that makes electronic voting machines.

All these countries Senator Obama called tiny, he said we are concentrating on these small countries while blind to Russia. So what would Senator Obama do to get Russia's support for his candidacy?

Well Senator Obama, your pleas for support from Russia did not fall on deaf ears.


Vladimir Putin the real power, the master oligarch of post-Soviet Russia is trying a different approach that is typical of the Russian mindset. When accused of being a thief, call the accuser a thief. Putin is taking this strategy to a new dimension, instead of openly supporting the candidate he really is wishing for, accuse the other person of covertly supporting the candidate you don't want. Most Americans would not understand this unless they spent a significant amount of time with Russians.

The Muslim world has its own goal, to put every single human being under Sharia law. While Iran wants to be the leader of the Muslim world, they more than likely see Obama in the same mold as his only Presidential supporter, Jimmy Carter. Obama has already went to Carter for National Security and Foreign Policy advice, and has surrounded himself with ex-Carter staff. Why would they want to see another cut from the same cloth as Jimmy Carter? Two reasons, Jimmy Carter is the only President in the history of the United States that has surrendered American sovereign soil to terrorists. The US Embassy in Iran. Carter had done nothing against Iran for this obvious act of war, did he kick Iran out of their consulate at the UN, until the hostages were released?

Second Barack Obama is repeating the same mistakes as Jimmy Carter did in regards to Iran. The definition of insanity can be summed up as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Omaba's embrace of Jimmy Carter will not help him, as Carter goes down in history as the only President whose presidential manhood could not even been salvaged by a lethal dose of Viagra.

Make no mistake there is a last resurgence of communism masquerading as socialism running through the world. These countries cannot survive on their own, they need the capital from the free world to keep up their house of cards they call governments. They need and want Americans as ants and bees who will toil day and night to consume the goods the goods they produce as source of revenue that That our own socialists in Washington can prop up their failed governments with financial aid, and flawed treaties like Koyto. The socialist wing that has hijacked the Democratic Party also sees the American people as ants and bees providing them with the food they need and crave to also stay in power.

The truth is that the world is at a pivotal point, these hostile countries and the treasonous democrats know that they are about to fall, and are now going full force to stop America from retaining its heritage. If America rejects their platform and their handpicked candidates in this election the world may have a small degree of hope.

The surge worked in Iraq, and now it is time for a new surge, a surge of Americans loyal to their country, not their party, to surge the voting booth, men and women who realize that their country has not failed them, but that the corruption of their status quo politicians is what has failed them.

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