WW III in two weeks?

Perhaps sooner.............

Several pieces of information have come to light within past few days that indicates that the world has crossed the Rubicon and full regional hostilities are about to erupt in the Middle East, that could engulf the world.

The United States is discovering that it is being betrayed by its staunchest Arab ally Saudi Arabia. The Saudi’s are trying to cut the US out of the Middle East peace process with Egypt, they have put on the table an 11 point peace plan. This has caused Rice to escalate the call for Jerusalem to be divided. This will only appease the Palestinians for a short time, but it will start the call for the removal of the Olmert government. The ultra-orthodox religious parties that Olmert used to form a collation government will pull their support from him, as this was the one point Olmert could never negotiate on.

Iran has shaken up its senior military staff, changed the rhetoric from any attack on Iran would result in the destruction of America and Israel, to that of starting World War III. One must ask Iran to have a World War there needs to be sides, so who is on your side? The question has now been definitively answered by Russia. Russia has stopped all cooperation with the Western powers over Iran’s Nuclear capabilities, and is finishing the Plutonium processing plant.

Possible Target Sites

The Dutch press has reported that their AIVD clandestine operations in Iran which has been giving American Intelligence highly detailed information about Iran’s nuclear program the AIVD has ordered their operatives to return home because of an impending strike against Iran’s nuclear and military targets. The Israeli press has confirmed the account and adds that these attacks will be carried out by unmanned drones.

Why would unmanned planes be used instead of manned bombers? America is saving their fighters and ground attack aircraft for any possible move by the Iranian military into Iraq.

American Arsenal of Unmanned Combat Planes

In the mean time, in Israel the decision has been made to preemptively takeout Iranian nuclear capabilities by Israeli forces. This was decided upon several factors, the US has been reluctant to give Israel the advanced warplanes Israel needs to deter an Iranian attack, and that the only thing the US has given Israel is an early warning radar system, that is manned by US personal. This facility will be on Israeli territory and will be the first ever military base in Israel. If an attack by Iran or Syria were to take place, early warning systems would be deemed a high priority target, and any strike against such a target would be considered an act of war, however it is also possible that the United States has placed the most advanced early warning system in Israel in preparation for an attack on Iran.

Israeli F-15's
Given this fact the announcement of Israel’s intention to attack Iran may be a nothing more than a smoke screen, as Israel will need to prepare to take on Syria and Hezbollah forces in Lebanon Neither Israel nor the United States can seriously believe that the Syria and Hezbollah world will stand by doing nothing as their prime sponsor and partner in terrorism is under attack. Israeli military sources confirm that, not only has Hezbollah returned to its old positions on the Israeli border, but the Iran-backed Shiite terrorists are constructing a new line of fortified military positions, including rocket-launching pads. This is being done on top of the Israeli border, in violation of international treaties. Israel’s Air Force will be needed to neutralized these imminent threats to her population. This news contradicts statements made by prime minister Ehud Olmert and defense minister Ehud Barak. Such a confirmation would destroy the Olmert government and Barak’s chances to be the next prime minister. The United Nations will not confirm such damning news, as they know that Ehud Barak is also willing to divide Jerusalem. The divison of Jerusalem has been a long sought after goal by the U.N. as a part of a comprehensive peace settlement.

It now appears that the decision to enter Poti by the US and its sudden turnaround to another port under Georgian control was designed to break up Russia’s ability to operate in the Mediterranean by keeping them in the Black Sea. The Iwo Jima and its supporting amphibious landing ships have left port last week and are expected in the Mediterranean any time. The 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit has deployed with the fleet. They may be called upon to enter northern Syria to assist Israel in quickly neutralizing Syrian and Hezbollah forces so Israel does not repeat its blunder of Lebanon in 2007.

A two week timeframe reported by the Dutch press is about right to assemble all the necessary elements. However, the Black Sea still remains a point of contention that could flash up at any moment, especially now that the Ukrainians are seeking NATO membership and the Russian Black Sea fleet rents their main navel base in the Crimea in the southern peninsula of the Ukraine. Ukraine has already warned the Russians about the possibility of having their base closed and their fleet interred. Adding further fuel to his funeral pyre, Russia has already threatened the Ukraine and its western neighbor Moldavia.

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