Giving giving weight to the evidence that Senator Obama's birth certificate is a forgery, is the factual proof of Obama's grammar school record showing he is an Indonesian citizen and a Muslim. This does not bode well for him politically with mainstream America, as now he will need to address these legitimate concerns and not be on the campaign trail propagandizing his issues.
As one concern seems to be put to rest, others will return to ignite it a new.
For instance his stance opposing the war in Iraq will also be justifiably be under attack, not for any liberal ideology, but for treason. As more people come to realize that he is essentially a Muslim with Muslim sympathies.
As this starts so will the exposés about his energy plan, as not being pro-green, but anti-American. If American companies find it too difficult to do business, then who will take their place? Foreign oil, companies controlled by socialists and Muslims. Who by the way are beyond the American tax man.
When we move on to Senator Obama's economic plan clarifies, and the financial analysts crunch the numbers , the op-ed articles will cast serious doubt to his ability to fiscally control the country. When the democrats increase the Capital Gains Taxes, people will be selling their assets now to avoid the tax the Democrats have planned for them. Once this happens the economy will start to collapse.
Serious thought is being given to his qualifications to run for office, based on his complete lack on experience and his padded resume.
As the one solid voting block the Democrats have always counted starts to abandon them, and not just on a Presidential ticket, but in both the House and Senate. Besides obliquely aligning (by not expressly denunciating Farrakhan support) himself with known antisemitic supporters like Farrakhan, they will revisit history and start to wonder why Ted Kennedy is fanatically supporting him, it may surprise many, but antisemitism and appeasement was embraced in the Kennedy household.
As these things start to add up, as the main stream media no longer can turn a blind eye to Obama's failings, the tide of politics will change. It already has changed in mainstream America, but are people afraid to be called racists and keeping quiet about their thoughts on his positions. It is a terrible weapon the Democrats have unleashed, for the demonization of of ones thoughts is a weapon that can destroy the user as much as the receiver.
As all of these things start to converge, and the tide turns Obama will suffer.
As both a birth and adopted Muslim what has protected Obama so far from Islamic charges of Apostasy will evaporate.
Under Muslim Sharia law if he is a Christian, he is an apostate and must be killed. So why is not the Muslim community not outraged, and why is there no fatwa on his life. How can they ignore such a high profile figure like Barack Hussein Obama?
There is only one possible answer, he is a Muslim practicing al-Taqiyya, an abdominal doctrine that allows a Muslim to deceive non-Muslims. Muslims practice this in order to strategically regroup, before recommencing hostilities. Are the Muslims waiting for Obama to be President, before they make their move to institute Sharia law in America? “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” Barack Hussein Obama. Will Oboma intentionally change the winds?
When Islamic hopes evaporate and they can not control America from a position of power, will they then in turn attempt to throw America into civil chaos?
From a tactical perspective this would make the most sense, in achieving the strategic goal of eliminating America's support for Israel.
Remember this is exactly what happened in Kenya when Senator Obama's cousin lost the election for President.
Using Farrakam and others, it will not take long before they could mobilize enough desperate people to take to the streets for them. Make no mistake of Farrakam's support of Obama is bordering the militant.
If you were an Islamic strategist bent on doing as much damage to America as you could, with the least resources, and you needed to make the best of a bad situation, what would you do?
But what if it seems that there will be no way Obama could claim election fraud like his cousin did? What if the margins of Obama's defeat seems insurmountable towards November? And it is obvious that the American people reject him?
Islamic Terrorists will kill him. Some group will probably invite him to a location where they can hide a weapon or bomb, and the unthinkable would have just became reality.
A bullet costs 20 cents, but the results would be equal to several nuclear warheads on the streets of America, unless the American people are warned, and the government is prepared to act quickly and decisively.
Remember, the main goal of radical Islam is not so much to put America under Sharia law, although they would like to. The real goal of radical Islam is to push Israel into the sea.
Riots can be dispelled quickly, but the real loss to America will be in democracy as the Democratic party will be labeled the instigators of this for failing to fully vet the Constitutional qualifications of Obama.
The shame is that Barack Obama is doing this to his own people, his reckless ambition is taking is in fact sealing the hopes of blacks, but this should not be a surprise to anyone as he turns his back on the slaughter in Africa and supports his cousin's temper tantrum.
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