There is also the possibility that Syria will offer Russia military bases including a warm water naval base. As reported below Russia is making its move with its pact with Iran, and as a country obsessed with chess, we are seeing the pieces aligning. Israel is now feeling more and more isolated, as America already stretched thin in Afghanistan, Iraq and now Georgia is an issue the US and NATO must deal with.
Russia is going to arm Syria with the nuclear-capable 200 km-range Iskandar surface missiles. The danger of this is that Saddam moved his WMD's to Syria, as part of a deal to give sanctuary to his wife, and access to his billions. The plan was for Saddam and his sons to stay in Iraq and lead the insurgency and if unsuccessful get sanctuary in Syria. Unfortunately for Saddam and his sons they never got out. Now Syria is sitting on a stock pile of weapons waiting for a delivery system. These WMD's are located in the Bekaa Valley of Northern Lebanon under Syrian control.
The US is moving more strike forces into the middle east in anticipation of Iran trying to block the straights of Hormuz. With Russia holding a veto will the UN is impotent to stop the aggression, the question is will Europe have the backbone.
Israel has never felt more vulnerable in its 60 years of post holocaust existence. Especially now that Pakistan's nuclear arsenal is about to be placed into unknown hands. Can anyone want to imagine the Taliban having megaton nuclear weapons? It is unlikely Prime Minister Olmert will survive a vote of confidence, and make no mistake one will be upcoming. One must ask ones self what does Israel have to loose in these times. The support of America?
As more and more is released about Obama's Muslim heritage and upbringing, it is more and more difficult for Israel not to look at Kenya and wonder why the Memorandum of Agreement with his cousin Odinga and the Muslims of Kenya is not being released in the mainstream press. There are rumors that Odinga has told the Muslims pushing the Memorandum to wait until his cousin Barack Hussein Obama is elected president of the US are becoming more and more plausible to beleive. The Muslim leadership after being vocal about it, and insisting that it exists, has been very quiet of late. Is Israel afraid that if Obama turns his back on Christian Africa he will do the same for Israel?
Can Israel also ignore the Russian threat to explode a nuclear weapon over the US and cripple America's electronic superiority?
Could this be the stage for Isaiah 17 and the nuclear destruction of Damascus?
Israel has only one hope now, that the United States, and NATO offer Israel full and unconditional membership in NATO, and America awakens to the wolf in their midsts.
Will the Democrats have the courage in Denver to vote not on popularity, but on experience. Hillary is not my favorite person, but she will have the support of most of Bill Clinton's senior advisers should the DNC show the moral fortitude to put their country and policy above special interests above their anti-American ideology revolt against its treasonous leadership.
As reported below, Obama is vulnerable not smears, but of legitimate attacks on his character and lack credentials and qualifications to be the President of the United States. Soon his supporters are going to awake, and like Dorothy and realize they are not in Kansas anymore and surrounded by hungry lions, tigers and bears.
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