Condoleeza Rice, Hurricanes, Demons , and Jerusalem.


The Demons of My Fathers

"and they conspire, all of them together, to come in to fight against Jerusalem, and to do to it injury." Nehemiah 4:8

Why are there hurricanes every time the United States coerces Israel to give in to Palestinian demands? Why has there not been earthquakes, or tidal waves? Why has this only happened since Condoleezza Rice became Secretary of State?

Not long after Katrina a group of Rabbis wrote to President Bush and suggested that there may be a correlation between Katrina and the US policy towards dividing Israel. These Rabbis were right, but what they did not know, you are about to know.

There is a secret that very few are willing to contemplate, this secret is beyond the understand of those who simply do not understand that the G-D of Israel is, never mind he jealous and protective of His people, but HE also a fair. When you look at the similarities between the US Sponsored Gaza Strip evacuation and Katrina’s effect on Louisiana you may begin to see.

• Close to 10,000 Jews were expelled from their homes in the Gaza Strip and parts of northern Samaria. Katrina's death toll is now expected to reach at least 10,000.

• America's population ratio to Israel is about 50:1. Ten thousand Jews who lost their Gaza homes is the equivalent of about 500,000 Americans who are now reported to be displaced as result of Katrina.

• Gaza's Jewish communities were located in Israel's southern coastal region; America's southern coastal region now lies in ruins.

• The U.S. government called on Louisiana residents to evacuate their homes ahead of the storm. The Israeli government, backed by statements from U.S. officials, demanded Gaza residents evacuate their homes.

• Katrina, written in Hebrew, has a numerical equivalent of 374, according to a biblical numbering system upheld by all traditional Jewish authorities. Two relevant passages in the Torah share the exact numerical equivalent: "They have done you evil" (Gen. 50:17) and "The sea upon land" (Exodus 14:15).

• Bush, from Texas, and Rice, from Alabama, were the most vocal U.S. backers of the Gaza evacuation. Hurricane Katrina hit the states in between Texas and Alabama – Louisiana and Mississippi.

• Similarity in scenes: Many residents of Jewish Gaza climbed to their rooftops to escape the threat of expulsion, while residents of the Gulf Coast climbed on their own rooftops to protect themselves from the rising waters. Jewish Gaza homes described as beautiful and charming were demolished this week by Israel's military. Once beautiful homes in New Orleans now lie in ruins.

• The day Katrina hit, Israel began carrying out what was termed the most controversial aspect of the Gaza withdrawal – the uprooting of bodies from the area's Jewish cemetery. There have been media reports of corpses floating around in flooded New Orleans regions.

• Citizens of Israel were barred from entering Gush Katif; people were only allowed to leave Jewish Gaza. As Katrina was making landfall U.S. authorities barred citizens from entering the affected areas. People were only allowed out.

• Gush Katif was an important agricultural area for Israel, providing the Jewish state with 70 percent of its produce. A New Orleans port that exported much of the Midwest's agricultural production was destroyed by Katrina.

Now America is preparing to help carve up the biggest prize of G-D, Jerusalem. Look at both hurricanes Hanna and Ike, Hanna was formed on the day Condoleezza Rice said that the United States supported a shared Jerusalem. Both became terrors in the eyes of America, but failed to cause the devastation that Katrina did. This does not mean that there is no G-D, or that G-D is in favor of this? On the contrary G-D is giving the political leadership of the United States a chance to back away from making a terrible mistake.

But now I will tell you why Hurricanes and why New Orleans was not spared. For sometime, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has been searching for her African identity. In many ways, we all can see this as a noble goal, to understand ones past, so one can make sense of their present and find guidance in their future. But Secretary Rice has exceeded the ethnic quest of her identity and abandoned the religion of her father in favor of the false gods of Africa.

It is a fact, not well known in the United States, but Condoleezza Rice has made pagan sacrifices to false gods. Namely the goddess Iansã (Oya, Oiá, and Iansan), the goddess of the Niger River. She is seen in aspects of warrior-goddess of wind, lightning, fertility, fire and magic. She creates hurricanes and tornadoes and guards the underworld. One of the other interesting things about Rice’s patron is she is called “the one who puts on pants to go to war.” Could this have anything to do with America’s current militaristic posturing that was never before seen in its history?

She is worshipping a demon spirit of the West African tribal religion of Yoruba, this religion is known as Candomblé in Brazil. It was in March of this year in Bahia Brazil where she made her offerings. The reason the United States has been plagued with hurricanes is because the goddess she made her protector is Iansã the goddess of storms. In fact G-D was giving us a warning by choosing New Orleans and Louisiana in general, because outside of Brazil, Haiti and Cuba, New Orleans is one of the largest center for African Syncretismin the new world. In America this religion is called Voodoo. In this religion the gods are called Orishas.

Various Orshias of West Africa

This has not been reported in the United States, but has been widely reported in Brazil. In fact the first lady of the Brazilian state of Salvador presented Secertary Rice with a statue of her patron Orshia . At the end of the article you will see “No encontro, a primeira-dama do Estado, Fátima Mendonça, presenteou Condoleezza com uma imagem de Iansã.” This translates as, “In the meeting, the first lady of the State, Fatima Mendonca, presented Condoleeza with an image of Iansa.”

In the following official Brazilian website you will see “pela baiana Marly Trindade, que a presenteou com uma fitinha de Nosso Senhor do Bonfim. Ela escolheu uma de cor vermelha - no candomblé, a cor faz referência a Iansã, a rainha dos ventos - que foi amarrada em seu pulso esquerdo.” Which translates as “by the woman from Bahia Marly Trindade that has presented her with a ribbon of Our Lord of Bonfim. She chose a red – in Candomblé (religion) , the color refers to Iansã, queen of winds - which was tied on her left wrist.”

Rice even asked how to pray to these demons. “Ela gostou, escolheu uma fitinha vermelha e fez questão de fazer os pedidos, seguindo a tradição da cultura da Bahia. A fitinha vermelha foi amarrada no pulso esquerdo de Rice. No candomblé, o vermelho faz referência a Iansã, poderoso orixá (demônio) das tempestades.” “She enjoyed, chose a red ribbon and made the question of making petitions, following the tradition of the culture of Bahia". The red ribbon was tied to the left wrist of Rice. In Candomblé, the red refers to Iansã, powerful orixá (demon) of the storms.”

This confirmation from the offical tourism site from the Brazilian state of Bahia. "Ela gostou, escolheu uma fitinha vermelha e fez questão de fazer os três pedidos, seguindo a tradição." The translation is She liked, she choose a red ribbon and made the question of making three petitions, following the tradition. These three petitions are also prayers that the patron Orshia must honor, and this follows in the catholic tradition of having saints intervene. In fact the article referencing this demonstrates how the Catholic church has become an accessory into this perversion. As you read this article you will see that these ribbons are coming from the Catholic Church of Nosso Senhor do Bonfim, in Salvador the capital of Bahia.

How long has this been kept a secret from the President, I do not know. However, I would venture to guess that it was around the time of Hurricane Katrina, that Rice started to explore false gods and false religions. Look closely at the red ribbon on her wrist, but more importantly next to her is Marly Trindade, a priestess in the Candomblé religion dressed in the traditional attire of Iansã, which you can see in the drawing below.

Rice wearing the ribbon in honor of a false god.
Iansã, demon goddes of storms

I find it very strange that just by coincidence Rice arrives in Brazil, choose the color of a goddess from a woman who is dressed in the traditional dress of this particular goddess. But take a very good look at the knife in the hands of the demon, is this what you want to see carve up Jerusalem.

To understand more about this particular demon please watch the following video. What you see should scare you. What is more you will understand how the Catholic Church by allowing this syncretism through her silence has become "... a habitation of demons, and a hold of every unclean spirit, and a hold of every unclean and hateful bird." Understand that the church while outlawing this practice has condoned this practice of through silence, and no Pope has had the courage to date to put a stop to this.

Iansã the demon inside Condoleezza Rice

It is critical that Secretary of State Rice no longer be allowed to conduct negotiations concerning Israel or Jerusalem for the United States of America. The President must appoint a special envoy whose hands have not offered sacrifices to demons. If the President fails to do this and allows Ms. Rice and her demon protector to carve up Jerusalem, the catastrophes that await our nation will make Katrina look like a spring shower.

"And it hath come to pass, in that day, I seek to destroy all the nations Who are coming in against Jerusalem." Zechariah12:9

The G-D of Israel will never let this happen, Jerusalem is special to HIM,

"... for there being a lamp to David My servant all the days before Me in Jerusalem, the city that I have chosen to Myself to put My name there." 1 Kings 11:36

I have no way of knowing if President Bush knows about this, and the dangers that await America if Secretary of State Rice is allowed to continue to supervise the rape of Jerusalem. I have sounded the alarm, it is up to you to get this message out to your Rabbis, priests and pastors.

As you can see from the photographs I took while in Brazil of a Candomblé parade the ribbons are very important to them. When the parade would stop and one of girls holding on to the ribbon needed to use the facilities, she had to place the ribbon around the wrist of another. Asking people there what was the significance I was told that the ribbon from the image of the Orsha (Saint) is the binding of the Orsha to the acolyte. To let the ribbon fall on the ground is considered very bad, and the orshia would leave the group.

The following photograph is proof of the Catholic Churches complicity in this pagan ritual, the person you will see in the photograph gave Mass at the local Catholic cathedral just hours before marching in the Candomblé parade.

It comes to a point that the Catholic Church may no longer keep silent. The vast majority of Brazilian people are decent G-D fearing souls, who have no part in such witchcraft, but until the Catholic Church leads the call to return the purity of the faith, it will remain polluted from the inside. The vast majority of Brazilian Catholics are opposed to this, but until they receive support from Rome, they will be silent. The reason for their silence is the man Condolezza Rice is extending her hand to the the photograph at the top is Jaques Wagner, the Governor of Bahia and one of the architects of making Christianity a crime in Brazil, if one dares to criticize homosexuality. Soon it may well be speaking out against false gods in the Catholic Church will also be a crime. This should in no way condone or condemn the Catholic Church, as I am mearly laying out the culture of which Secretary Rice not only tied herself to, but all of America as well.

Special thanks to Juilo Severo for first mentioning this in his blog March of 2008. When he first wrote about it the connection between Secretary Rice, the rash of Hurricanes did not immediately click, it was only when Hannah formed on the same day Secretary Rice spoke about dividing Jerusalem did all of this come back to me. Please support Juilo's efforts in Brazil by reading his blog Last Days Watchman from time to time.

Publish Post

DISCLAIMER- Please note for the record, I am supporting John McCain and Sarah Palin, and this in no way should be construed that I support the Muslim Barack Hussein Obama. He is equally dangerous to the people of Israel as Condoleeza Rice is and he is dangerous to the security of the United States. If any liberal blog wishes to publish this, in whole or in part, this discalmer must be included. I am exposing this because I believe in the Living G-D of Israel - Teo Bear

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well with dealing with different cultures it is completely fundamental to understand the history of it.

Behind this West African way called Yorùbá, it is not a "religion," as "Wikipedia" states, it is actually a practice. Not all cultures formed their beliefs in the structure of religion, since religion is a system of beliefs that are written down and verified by a caste system with a king in a strict fashion.

Wikipedia is correct about one thing concerning Yorùbá, they did not write down anything; even though they had writing they choose not to use it for their beliefs. It is interesting they did not, I remember learning about war and empires and the first literate system was not poetry or individual expression, it was there to keep track of slaves and to separate the "elites" from the ignorant majority who are the poorer that are ruled over. The choice of not using writing was politically motivated to bridge a connection of the state to the communal tribes, because people can own each others words and it does not require deep education to understand mythology, it formed the base of an African form of Democracy.

This "Iansa" is meant to stand for the personalty element of aggressiveness in a women. Since Orixas also relate to different elements of nature such as Lansa relates to powerful winds ("hurricanes") which stands for aggressiveness, the context is however that it's up to the individual women if they channel aggressiveness in a positive or negative manner of course since aggressiveness is not wrong if used correctly depending on the context.

The history behind the "Orixas" are they are characters related to archetypes that carries qualities and attributes that define the base elements of human personalities, strengths, weaknesses and also potential. To put simple: They are West African characters meant to stand for different elements of humans personalities to learn to be a better person, and with learning the different elements of what makes a person's character they learn to become a better inside and out.

Due to racism and being labeled as Devil-worshipers most Westerns have no clue West African people always had one monotheist God, Orixas might be called Gods or Goddesses but that is meant only as names for positive, they are not.

West African culture focus was about getting to know the mind and human behavior to learn how to handle everyday problems within community, they did have warriors, but did not have the military war empires that makes all of Europe's culture, hence why they were over-run by Europeans and taken in as slaves; their culture's center focus was devoted to dealing with human beings and to understand sociology and psychology to better the lives of their community, that is what this belief is based on. It is to find balance with our problems and our emotions and to adapt to both the negative and positives of our changing world, to find a centers of positive strengths in individuals and build positive characters which is called “Orisha“ in Nigeria.

Well... That's all the history I know. I'm not here to blindly defend, I admit I frown at such huge misunderstandings and/or negativity of the history behind different cultures such as this article advertises. I also must admit while I'm forced to not agree with your view I do respect the frankness you show here, your not hiding behind a mask of positivity like most people of the U.S. are pressured into due to "political correctness."