Peter the Roman Rock

Peter the Roman Rock

Besides Peter the Roman, Petrus Romanus also means the Roman Rock or the Rock of Rome. It is here that one may find the connection to Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who today known as Pope Francis and Saint Malachy's 900 year old vision of the Last Pope.

There is a place in Rome called Tarpeian Rock and has been known as the Rock of Rome.

Appeared December 1, 1943

A place for traitors

According to early Roman histories, when the Sabine ruler Titus Tatius attacked Rome after the Rape of the Sabines (8th century BC), the Vestal Virgin Tarpeia, daughter of Spurius Tarpeius, governor of the citadel on the Capitoline Hill, betrayed the Romans by opening the city gates for the Sabines in return for 'what they bore on their arms.' She believed that she would receive their golden bracelets. Instead, the Sabines crushed her to death with their shields, and her body was buried in the rock that now bears her name.

To be hurled off the Tarpeian Rock was, in some sense, a fate worse than death, because it carried with it a stigma of shame. The standard method of execution in ancient Rome was by strangulation in the Tullianum. Rather, the rock was reserved for the most notorious traitors.

What did the word traitor mean to the early Christians?

During the "Great Persecution" under Diocletian in the years A. D. 303-305, many Christians were imprisoned and martyred. Leaders were ordered to hand over all of the Christians Scriptures and writings to be burned. Those who did so, were called traditores (Latin: tradere, to hand over) by other Christians.

Was Jorge Mario Bergoglio a traitor?

On 15 April 2005, a human rights lawyer filed a criminal complaint against Bergoglio, as superior in the Society of Jesus of Argentina, accusing him of involvement in the kidnapping by the Navy in May 1976 (during the Dirty War) of two Jesuit priests.The priests, Orlando Yorio and Franz Jalics, were tortured, but found alive five months later, drugged and semi-naked. Yorio accused Bergoglio of effectively handing them over to the death squads by declining to tell the regime that he endorsed their work. Jalics refused to discuss it after moving into seclusion in a German monastery. Horacio Verbitsky, an Argentine investigative journalist and former montonero, wrote a book about this and other related events titled El Silencio: de Paulo VI a Bergoglio: las relaciones secretas de la Iglesia con la ESMA. Verbitsky also writes that the Argentine Navy with the help of Cardinal Bergoglio hid the dictatorship's political prisoners in Bergoglio's holiday home from a visiting delegation of the Inter-American Human Rights Commission.

According to the book, after their release Yorio accused Bergoglio, then-Provincial of his San Miguel Jesuit order, of having denounced him. Father General Pedro Arrupe in Rome was informed by letter or during the abduction[clarification needed], both Jalics and Orlando Yorio were excluded from the Jesuit Order.

The Validity

This is a serious accusation laid against a man, whose life appears nothing short of saintly. The information that I presented above is in the public domain, but is it true? In this I cannot answer, for only a handful of people and God know the truth. I pray he is not a traditore.

Malachy's Vision

Perhaps Malachy was not telling us clues about the man's given name or his Papal name, nor was Malachy giving us clues to his place of birth. Perhaps what was seen by Malachy was the connection to the man's deepest character, the Rock of Rome is synonymous with treason. 

The parallels to the first Pope Saint Peter and the End Times are mind boggling. Simon Peter denounced Jesus, Bergoglio is accused of denouncing the servants of Jesus. If this is true then Pope Francis would be a strong candidate for the second beast of Chapter13 in the book of Revelation, and the picture of the false prophet being thrown into the lake of fire from the Tarpeian Rock can be easily summoned into ones mind, as central Italy was once on top of a volcano field as witnessed by Rome’s bedrock composed of volcanic igneous rock.

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