The truth has always been in front of our eyes, but we have become blinded by the pleasures we pursued to see it, and when someone points out the truth you find it easier to hate then to believe. The truth has always been in that book many call the bible. The words of Moses, the prophets, and even the son of God's own words all pointed to this day. Yes, this is the day God is going to have a reckoning with us for everything we ever done up to this time, it has always been known as the end of days.
God or as I call him Yahovah, is testing us in order to judge us. Just because you are not in the path of the hurricanes your words will speak for you. Are you compassionate to those affected, are you willing to fall to your knees and ask the Almighty Creator to forgive their sins and yours. Perhaps you want to say or have said this is karmic justice because they voted for Trump and didn't pay their carbon taxes. What you think and do is what is going to be used for or against you as the Mighty One makes His judgement. Yes, what you think is just as bad as what you do. Remember, Yeshua, the son of the living God was the perfect messenger for his Father, he said that any of us look at a woman with lust in our hearts we already committed adultery. Yes, your thoughts matter.
Some think that a hurricane is too much to use as a tool of judgement. Perhaps, it does serve the purpose of testing both the good and the bad. Good tested you ask, and I will answer, have you forgotten Job a righteous man before the eyes of God was tested and remained righteous. Yes, God could make every judgement personal, but He also can make them collective to judge us on our collective sins.
Collective sins? Yes, those sins we allowed through consent or silence to be performed around us, and in many instances in our name. Murder is easy, one kills another for no reason that is murder. But you also know the sins done in our man we have no part of except allowing them to flourish. Abortion so easily comes to mind. You say you are personally against it, but you stand firm in the belief that it is a woman's right to do with her body as she sees fit. This so-called right was given to woman in your name, without you consent by an arm of your government. Are you not the master of your government? You sit idly by as murder is committed on the millions with your consent because you will not say that there are rights that transcend the right of the individual. Does not the right to life itself supersede any right of the individual? Hitler killed 6 million Jews in 3 1/2 years in the name of the German people, and 27 million innocent children were murdered in the name of a "human" right this year alone. Pray tell, show me the justification used to forgive one group and condemn another. Life is life, and no life is greater than another for all life seeks to live. This is but one example.
Do you give gay people the right to be gay? I cannot say it is my right or anyones right to look into the bedroom of another, but I know the word of God and it tells me that the act of homosexuality is an abomination to His sight. But now our communal silence on this sin has caused many living in this sin to go public and demand we teach it as normal. This is our sin, and while we may love the sinner, and hate the sin by turning a blind eye to what goes on in their bedrooms, now they demand things that simply are not normal, and need our collective permission to have it. Living a life in strict adherence to the sin, they can never have children, so they demand the right of adoption. The demand we celebrate their sin by creating things for the celebration such as the wedding cake. We allow courts to give them more rights than needed, so the lifestyle they chose to live can stand with ours, and remain silent to this theft by the courts. No not the people have a right to say collectively "this is our societal standards." no we allow the court system that does not have the law of nature as its foundation to give "natural rights" in an artificial construct. I understand we will love the sinner and hate the sin, but what happens when the sinner becomes a deadly cancer on the morals of society? Do we kill society by giving the sinner protection, or do excise the cancer (individual) from the body (society)? Some cancers are benign and never effect the body, others are malignant and will destroy the body. Have we called for the removal of the malignant cancer? You know those who demand we tech our children that their life style is normal and should be celebrated. Or do we allow the voices of the malignant to be heard over our silence?
Yes, we are being judged because of our collective sins, and the Creator is also using this time to call us into personal repentance. It will end, and the Mighty One's wrath will be poured out undiluted on those those reject this offer and continue to live in sin, individual or collective.
Choose, and choose now for the day and the hour that no man knows is upon us and drawing nigh. Your actions are now your votes. Silence is an action and it votes for the sin. Speak now, speak loud enough to be heard in heaven, "Not in my name may you sin any longer."
We have until Yom Kippur to repent, and start to atone for our sins if we hope we may persuade the Almighty for a chance to awaken from this stupor and put the world back to right. To stand against our accuser and show him to accuse us in vain.
If you have ears that hear the final warning being given, you may ask just how do I begin. So I will give you the words of Yahovah Himself instructing you how to start this walk back to Him.
When you spread out your hands in prayer, I hide my eyes from you; even when you offer many prayers, I am not listening.
Wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight; stop doing wrong. Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.
Come now, let us settle the matter, says Yahovah. Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.
If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of the land; but if you resist and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword.”
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