It is September 23, 2017 and the great sign has risen above the horizon, and I am still here, as are you all here. I never expected to be raptured, for many reasons, first the pre-tribulation rapture is unbiblical, it is an invention of man. We all will be tested in the tribulation, and those who are found worthy will live, while those who are found wanting are not, It is biblical. Yeshua said the angels will remove the tares, the bad people, before the wheat, the good people, are harvested. Peter said we are tested to refine us. Ok, research how the Jesuits planted the concept of the rapture with the protestant church, and perhaps your eyes will be open.
Also it is important that you understand yourself. You are seeking instant gratification, you want something to happen and happen now, you will so often be disappointed. But what is a sign? What is a sign on a journey? After all we are all on this journey together. A sign is something that tells you what is ahead and what is coming up. It can tell you for example your exit is right down the road or it is hundreds of miles away.
If you think it is immediate, guess again. Yeshua gave us many hints, and the one we need to pay attention to is the parable of the ten virgins. Yes, when the trump was blown and the sign was clear they were ready, but the bible Matthew 25 we are told the parable of the ten virgins, the part often not realized is yes the sign was given, get ready, but the groom tarried later then expected and half did not prepare. If there is a sign, yes, be ready, but not not stop expecting until you are there, keep yourself prepared.
On September 24, you too will be here, and many will be disheartened. But do not give up faith because there are some stupid people who have a need to hear themselves talk, they will always be wrong, let it go and renew your faith, for it is going to be a long and trying 7 years we face together, but if we keep our faith and stay the course our destination if more beautiful then any of us can imagine.
But take heart, the sign that we have awaited for, has been given. Our redemption is close, just not today, but you will see that day if you just keep the faith.
Julio Severo's death and urgent help needed
3 years ago
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