Problems or Plans. This is a choice all will be called to make.

I been watching some videos and all everyone was saying "God: has a problem. "

The pastor said the Creator of all that is and all that will ever be, has a problem.

I had to ask the Creator if there were any problems, and what I received was a smile and a word. The smile is mine I can not share that or I would be writing for a very long time, so I will give you the Creator's word.  The word the Creator spoke was plans.

To answer these, best being called "bumbling" hired-hands, is to tell them that the one they call God, "the Creator does not have problems, the Creator only has plans."

Knowing what I know, let me say sit down, buckle up and enjoy the ride. And if we are lucky we will be raptured after this trip, but no one is going to be raptured out of taking this trip.

Some times you just got to sit down and have faith all is going to plan, a plan written so long ago the stars were being born, but a plan that has always been true. It does make a good story.

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