Yahovah's Anointed, who will stand against the LORD?

I have heard Donald Trump is Yahovah's anointed, the modern Cyrus.  I have always given complete respect to Yahovah, for His eternal word is found on our bookshelves, the word of man, well not that much. When I started hearing Trump was Yahovah's anointed at the time I thought he must be to win, and left it there. He won, and I gave thanks to Yahovah for a small chance to prepare ourselves. To take responsibility for the evil done in our name and to give everyone just one change to personally be guilty or innocent of the great sins committed in our names. Just one time I would like the chance to give my soul for or against abortion, not have it dragged down because 9 men made a decision to yoke me with the guilt and blood of the innocents. If anything that is what freedom represents to me. 

Back to Trump as the LORD's anointed. During the campaign it seemed everything he did would fail but it didn't. The media touted McCain's hero POW status as reason why Trump should listen to McCain and withdraw. When Trump said McCain was no hero because he was a POW, everyone thought that was the end of Trump's candidacy, hardly. So many more things happened that it seemed every week was going to be Trump's last. Then he won the nomination, and everyone said Hillary would win 80 to 20. Every day the news was reporting his demise,  poll numbers that he could never over come, problems and scandals that would pull him to the garbage heap of history. Even the late Attorney General so confidently said Trump would never be President during her life, she died the day before the election.

But Trump never quit. Election night came and pundits already broke out the champaign to toast Hillary, but then late at night came the announcement Donald Trump will become the 45th President of the United States. That night the demons also started to scream but a light started to shine.    

Day one of his presidency the powers of man sought to stop him, and Russian Collusion was born. In time we see the truth come out, the only collusion is that of Trump's opponents.  It seemed he would get nothing done, even his own party was abandoning him. It appeared for so long Trump went on step forward and had to take two steps back. But he never fell, never stopped.

He announced that Jerusalem was the eternal capital of Israel, and kept to his word and the rains came. It is now proven Clinton, the DNC Obama and his administration conspired to overthrow Trump. a duly elected President and Yahovah's anointed. More will come out proving this cancer that infects our country. Trump will not be touched, even with the spells, dark prayers, curses, and even sacrifices, the evil one's time has ended, it ended when life returned to the body that once hung on the cross, but now is time to remove it from Creation.

Soon they will seek great measures to stop Trump, but it will do them no good, no good at all. Their only chance is to confess and repent for though Yahovah is power beyond power,  HE is vengeance never seen, above all else HE is merciful, HE wants everyone of us to repent.  

As far as Trump is concerned, Yahovah has plans for this nation, but HE has also given us a chance to seek HIM and the truth that always has been HIM. While Trump walks in HIS light, when Trump seeks with all his heart to do HIS bidding Yahwah has said, "Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm." 

We will suffer, suffer for many reasons. Our reluctance no to speak out to evil done in our name, for looking the other way, shielding our eyes to the suffering around us, for the pornography we allow, for the deaths in the abortion clinics, for placing ourselves above the divine. It is our just deserts, I will suffer, so will you, but let us not make it worse, let us not prolong it by cursing Yahovah for our chastisement, let us accept it and repent. 

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